My friends Scott and Joe have put together a Sunday morning "Old Man" skate session. Here's what they have to say about it, "It does what it says on the tin. Old men go skateboarding on Sunday Mornings. At Sylvan Springs skatepark (near Jefferson Barracks) for starters, may expand, may not. Old men are unpredictable. While it's cold, we don't get there until 9am or so, but it will get earlier as spring approaches.
Oh yeah, even though the name is sexist, on the off chance that there are old women skateboarders interested...."
And here's one when Scott was a little less "old man"....
A couple of years ago the phrase "Skate Louis" popped into my head and I had one of those moments of "how did I not think of this before". Not long after I had that thought I had the first batch of Skate Louis shirts printed up and ready to sell out my car. People seemed to dig them so I had more done the next year which has now led me to this website.
The point of the site as I explained in the "about" section is to help link up the scene in St. Louis. Eventually I'll have a forum on here but until then send any comments, photos or videos and if I dig them I'll post them in the blog for the time being.
In the near future I will be adding new T-Shirt designs for sale through the site. The Skate Louis shirts are now available at FiFi's on Delmar. Otherwise feel free to order one through the site using the handy dandy Pay Pal. Or of course you can always get one from me if you see me out and about.
That's all I have for now. It's been a great two days of warm weather which happened the day after the site went on-line. Hmmm, it was dismissed as a coincidence.
Speaking of warm weather here's a video my brother put together of us from Go Skateboarding Everyday 2008.....
Hi, and thanks for checking out the Skate Louis site. I'm very stoked to finally have this up and running. I have to thank Jim Harper and Mike Pringle for putting this together for me. I think it turned out great.